miscellanies (8 Jun 2024)

not so random reads from the interwebs

miscellany [ mis-uh-ley-nee], noun 1. a miscellaneous collection or group of various or somewhat unrelated items 2. a miscellaneous collection of literary compositions or pieces by several authors, dealing with various topics, assembled in a volume or book

The Christological Character of Typological Reading The Bible is a unique book and must be read in a unique way, despite what agnostics and liberal theologians want to tell us. How does Jesus interpret the Old Testament? How do the Spirit-inspired New Testament authors interpret the Old Testament? How has the Church consistently interpreted the Old Testament for the last 2000 years? The answer to all these questions is the same—we read the Bible as a book that uniquely tells the unfolding story of God's single plan of redemption through the ages, pointing to and finding fulfillment in Jesus Christ and his bride, the Church. This rather long read describes how the Church universal has read and understood the Bible for millennia. Whether you agree with all the details or not, it's a very helpful read on how to read and understand the Bible.

10 Classical Music Pieces Everyone Should Know Rachel's school occasionally publishes lists of music, art, poetry, books, etc. that the children who use it up through high school graduation will inevitably be exposed to as the “best of the best” of Western civilization and culture. This is a great list of the best classical music pieces, at least according to one person. It's worth a read and a listen. Classical music not your style? You can't go wrong with Saving Country Music's Top 25 Playlist! Either way, you can't say we're not cultured around here!

Tucker Carlson | How Does the Government of Israel Treat Christians? Well, here's one to ruffle a few American Evangelical feathers. Given the war in Israel and many American Evangelicals' uncritical support of Israel, this story paints a bleak picture of what it's like to be a Christian caught in the middle. I am NOT saying we should support Hamas—they are demonic and evil full stop—but I am saying that we Christians should not uncritically or unhesitatingly support Israel and her actions. Whether or not you think the modern state of Israel has anything to do with the Israel of the Old Testament (I'm lovingly looking at you Dispensationalists), you owe it to yourself to listen to this account of Israel's treatment of our fellow Christian believers.
