“In God We Trust”...sometimes
An exhortation not to trust political power over God's power
“In God We Trust.” It's on our American currency. It's on our lips. You can even get it emblazoned on a t-shirt. Yet, it's largely a cliche and not something we actually tend to do, especially when given the opportunity to put our trust in politicians, political parties, or secular power. This is true of both the political left and the political right, regardless of how patriotic they want to appear.
In case you can't tell from the tone, this post will likely include something to offend all Americans, regardless of your political persuasion. The timing of recent events is such that both the left and right have made their heresies plain.
The Psalmist writes, “Do not put your trust in nobles, in a son of man, who cannot save. When his breath leaves him, he returns to the ground; on that day his plans die.” (Psalm 146.3-4 CSB).
This isn't the only place in Scripture where we are taught the place where we should place our trust (God) versus the place we should not (man). Psalm 118 is crystal clear, and the prophets repeatedly point out Israel's folly and sin when they trust in their kings or the political and military might of their allies over against trusting in God. The consistent message of Scripture is plain. Don't trust in worldly power. Don't trust in politics or politicians. Choose wisely. Be discriminating. Seek virtue.
How shall we apply this in 21st century America? Easy. Don't trust the Democrat establishment. Period. And don't trust the Republican establishment. Period.
Last week, President Biden made waves by proclaiming March 31st as Transgender Visibility Day. While this proclamation is made annually, what made this especially egregious for Christians is that Easter Sunday, the highest holy day in the Christian year, fell on the same day. The language of the proclamation was also over the top, the President using his bully pulpit to accuse Americans of systemic bullying, hate, and violence against transgender folks. Don't take my word for it, though, read the Presidential proclamation here. This is the latest from our Catholic President who shamelessly supports the killing of unborn children, the mutilation of sexually-confused children, and the sexualization of children funded by taxpayer money. On Easter Sunday, President Biden released another statement that “Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.” Is it any wonder that several Catholic bishops are calling for the excommunication of the President? I don't think so. When did we decide it was acceptable to call evil good and good evil? Is it OK as long as the person in power champions policies and positions you prefer? Scripture says otherwise.
Also last week, former President Trump announced something huge in the form of the “God Bless the USA Bible.” According to the website, this bible “is the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!” It is available in the King James Version, quite possibly to avoid having to pay royalties to any publisher, and includes a handwritten copy of Lee Greenwood's “God Bless the USA,” the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Pledge of Allegiance. I've no idea if these documents are included in that order or not. Historically that wouldn't make any sense at all...I'm just copying from their website. Binding God's inspired word alongside the Enlightenment words of heterodox deist Thomas Jefferson should cause a shudder to run up your spine. While not the first publisher to do this—SBC-connected Holman Publishers has done something similar for years in their Airman's Bible, Soldier's Bible, etc.—this is the first venture I know of that is such an obviously political move. What's infinitely astonishing to me is the pull that Trump has with Evangelicals after so many years. While I certainly appreciate a number of his policies and judicial appointments, I'm confused how the rude, boorish, lying, cheating, adulterous, twice-divorced former President still has Evangelicals eating out of the palm of his hand and probably shelling out $59 a copy for this bible as quickly as they can click 'order.' Why is there never any critique of Trump from Christian Republicans? Remember when we were appalled by former President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky and impeached him because his infidelities so clearly demonstrated his lack of presidential virtue? Remember before that when Christian Republicans were outraged by allegations that Gary Hart had an affair with Donna Rice, something that was never proven or admitted? When did we decide it was acceptable to call evil good and good evil? Is it OK as long as the person in power champions policies and positions you prefer? Scripture says otherwise.
Between Biden and Trump, we are being presented with a false dilemma. We don't have to choose between “Wokism” and “Trumpism.” There are 335 million Americans, some vast number of whom are eligible to run for office. Surely we could find two decent men or women of character to choose from, couldn't we? I'm certain we could.
Christians, please be involved with politics. We have been deeply involved in American politics since before our founding. Please pay attention to the issues. Please pay attention to character. Please vote, seeking to elect righteous, God-fearing, God-trusting men and women to office. But don't cave to pragmatism, seeking to 'get things done' by unrighteous means. Don't go along with the herd, regardless of your party. Don't give in to the peer pressure to call evil good, and don't call good evil. There is far too much at stake.