miscellanies (18 May 2024)

not so random reads from the interwebs

miscellany [ mis-uh-ley-nee], noun 1. a miscellaneous collection or group of various or somewhat unrelated items 2. a miscellaneous collection of literary compositions or pieces by several authors, dealing with various topics, assembled in a volume or book

First Things | The GOP Changes Its Tune on Abortion Here is a thought-provoking read about one author's perceived shifts in the GOP's stance on abortion. To those of us who found hope in the reversal of Roe v. Wade, and encouragement in the GOP as the pro-life party, this change in position will be deeply troubling, if true. Christians ought to strongly push back against the Republican Party if it indeed tries to move away from its historically strong pro-life position to a more pragmatic one simply to win elections. Compromising morals to win elections is not a behavior Christians ought to reward with our votes, nor is it one that is morally acceptable to those seeking to vote their values.

Origen's 4 Points for Personal Prayer Here are some interesting notes from a classic work on prayer by one of the Church Fathers. What I find most fascinating is that a very common paradigm for personal prayers and the common Trinitarian praise we recite weekly both trace their history back to the end of the second / beginning of the third centuries! We truly take our places in the church catholic / universal when we continue these practices that have been handed down to us for over 1500 years. In a time when we tend to jettison nearly everything that is more than fifteen minutes old for the 'next big thing' which will be passe tomorrow, I take great comfort in knowing we are not doing anything new as we pray this way.
