miscellanies (20 Jul 2024)

not so random reads from the interwebs

miscellany [ mis-uh-ley-nee], noun 1. a miscellaneous collection or group of various or somewhat unrelated items 2. a miscellaneous collection of literary compositions or pieces by several authors, dealing with various topics, assembled in a volume or book

How Cell Phones Impact Our Relationships. Take two minutes and give it a watch. As we've told our kids repeatedly, the real-life person in front of you is infinitely more important than the unreal world on your phone...treat them that way.

Why You Should Stop Reading News. “Rarely do we stop to ask ourselves questions about the media we consume: Is this good for me? Is this dense with detailed information? Is this important? Is this going to stand the test of time? Is the person writing someone who is well-informed on the issue? Asking those questions makes it clear the news isn’t good for you.” I don't always succeed, but I try hard not to read much news. Honestly, most of it doesn't affect me, directly or indirectly. If someone brings a story up to me, I'll check it out, because they found it important enough to talk about. But honestly, most news—most media in general—is just swill designed to distract and amuse rather than to feed our minds or our souls.

Bob Newhart, sitcom star and deadpan comedy legend, dies at 94. Newhart was one of those great comedians who made 1970s comedy TV some of the funniest of all time. As the author at USAToday writes, “The bottom line is simple: 'The Bob Newhart Show' fully deserved its spot on what is probably the best single lineup of all time, the 1973 CBS Saturday combo of 'All in the Family,' 'MAS*H,' 'Mary Tyler Moore,' 'Bob Newhart' and 'The Carol Burnett Show.'“Can you name any funnier shows than these (and maybe SNL during this time when it was actually funny)? I didn't think so. Newhart lived and died a devout Catholic, part of me hopes there is opportunity for standup comedy in heaven. RIP.
