miscellanies (22 Jun 2024)
not so random reads from the interwebs
miscellany [ mis-uh-ley-nee], noun 1. a miscellaneous collection or group of various or somewhat unrelated items 2. a miscellaneous collection of literary compositions or pieces by several authors, dealing with various topics, assembled in a volume or book
Politics and religion...again If you pay attention to media on the left, they have been crying foul for some time about the terror of so-called 'Christian nationalism,' which as defined by many on the left is little more than a Christian who actually believes what the Bible says. Pastor Peters asks,“Is America really in danger of those who call Christ King and who reflect in His rule and reign a Biblical ethic with regard to life, sexual desire, gender, the stewardship of creation, and such OR is America more in danger of a Christianity which has abdicated the Scriptures in favor of the current political and cultural agenda on nearly every subject?” Given history, we ought to be much more concerned with a liberal/progressive Christianity that continually chases after the world and does not hesitate to try and legislate its version of 'morality.'
We Need to Talk About the Lord’s Supper With This in Mind If you're looking for an internet debate about the theology of the Lord's Supper, don't read this. Instead of the typical negativity and vitriol that characterizes most of the internet, Pastor Dustin points out the significance of the historic Lutheran understanding of the Supper and the Divine Service as God's work (NOT ours) that tangibly gives comfort and hope. “Luther and Melancthon were sure that this sweet moment in life had a purpose – to comfort the people of God. That was the chief purpose of worship– to give people Christ–that which they need! Later Lutherans confessed what you see above, that the Sacrament was instituted for the purpose of comforting the weak but repentant, that is those being transformed, in their faith. Even the weakest faith will not be condemned–but strengthened in their ability to depend on God.”
When my mom was cleaning out her house over 23 years ago to sell it, I wasn't very sympathetic over her attachments to things. I don't now the author, but this is a great perspective check. “If you are reading this and are under the age of 60, you won't get it. You haven't lived long enough. Most of you have not had to move your parents into a nursing home, or broken up their home. You haven't lived long enough to realize that the hours you spend picking out the right cabinets, or the perfect tile will not be what matters in the later years. It will be the handmade toothbrush holder or a picture that you took on vacation.” We ought to think about our priorities, plain and simple.