Taking Thoughts Captive



Here is a running list of all the tags used at “Taking Thoughts Captive.” Clicking on any of them will take you to a page with all the posts having that particular tag, just like an index.

#devotional #hymnody #Lent #life #links #miscellanies #politics #quotes #TFCC #theology

We must not imagine that we shall have peace from Satan. He takes no vacation and does not sleep. Choose, then, whether you prefer to wrestle with the devil or whether you prefer to belong to him.

— Martin Luther, 1527 (AE 37:17)

#quotes #theology

To hear the voice of the Spirit speaking, you have to know what the Spirit has said. In other words, to know what God is saying now, you have to also know what God has said in the past. Scripture is this living record of God's acts and pronouncements. God has already told us that He is yesterday, today, and forever the same. Unlike us, God does not reinvent Himself over and over again. He is who He is. He is who He was and who He will be. They are not new or different but the same.

Pr. Peters writes about Rome, but the same is true of all who diverge from sola scriptura, whether Roman Catholic, Charismatic/Pentecostal, or liberal/progressive mainline Protestants. This is surely worth a careful read.

#links #theology

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Remember way back in 2022 during a period called “Discernment” at our local United Methodist Church?

There isn't much about that season that I want to remember, but a few things are burned in my brain.


Salvation has always been by grace

It's a common misconception among Christians: Old Testament believers (Israel) were saved by works, but New Testament believers (Christians) are saved by grace.

Nope. Wrong. Incorrect. Not even close.

Salvation/deliverance/redemption has never been achieved by works or merit. Never ever.